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Showing posts from November, 2023

Updated USDA hardiness zoning maps

Madeline Wimmer, Extension Educator, Fruit Crops Images: The new 2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for Minnesota (left) and previous from 2012 (right).  The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant hardiness zone map is a tool based on average annual extreme winter temperatures that can help growers determine which plants can survive the winter and thrive in a given region. Zones are represented by a number scale from 1-13, separated by 10°F increments, with larger numbers being warmer than smaller numbers. Each zone is then divided into two half zones, ‘a’ and ‘b’, with ‘a’ having 5°F colder average extreme winter temperatures than ‘b’.    Both plant species and cultivars (i.e., cultivated variety) vary in zone hardiness. For example the wine grape cultivar ‘Petite Pearl’ is listed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to be hardy in Zone 4 regions, whereas ‘Concord’ should be grown in Zone 5 or higher and will have lower chances of surviving...

Winter climate resilience workshops for fruit and vegetable growers

Extension is partnering with the Land Stewardship Project this winter for a series of climate resilience trainings. We're offering a range of formats including a short webinar, a one time in-person training, and a more in-depth cohort program.   Online Farmer Forum: Exploring Water Management on Vegetable Farms Join Jody and Mike Lenz of Threshing Table Farm and Dana Swanson from NRCS to explore creative ways to manage water in our changing climate. This forum will include a short presentation followed by questions, ideas and solutions from attendees. December 12 th 12:00-1:30pm Register Here: In-Person Training: Introduction to Climate Resilience for Farmers Join LSP and UMN Extension to build resilience on your farm through examining local climate trends, identifying risk and planning adaptations for mitigation. Additionally, there will be several farmers presenting on the climate resilience strategies they are implemen...

University of Minnesota Viticulture and Enology Meet-and-Greet

Madeline Wimmer, Extension Educator, fruit production The Grape Breeding and Enology program members are thrilled for this opportunity to sit down for an informal chat with the Minnesota grower community to hear about your needs and priorities when it comes to UMN grape research.  Image: La Crescent wine and grape clusters- a cultivar originally bred and released by the University of Minnesota. Meet Grape Breeding & Enology team members,  including Dr. Soon Li Teh (new program leader and Extension Specialist), Madeline Wimmer (new statewide fruit Extension Educator), John Thull (Vineyard Manager), and Drew Horton (Enology Specialist). Current and aspiring grape growers, winemakers, homeowners, and grape or wine enthusiasts are all welcome to attend our 2023 Viticulture and Enology meet-and-greet! Date : December 4th, 2023  Time : 3pm-6pm Location : UMN Horticulture Research Center located at 600 Arboretum Blvd in Excelsior, MN 55331 (behind the apple house) Regis...