Annalisa Hultberg, Extension Educator, food safety As you hire new employees or welcome back returning employees to the farm this season, remember that anyone working on your farm should receive training about your farm's food safety policies each year. Take a few minutes in the spring to remind the entire crew about your farm's rules and things will go more smoothly all season. Here is a sample training agenda you can follow when you offer a training this spring. Remember to include all employees, and offer refreshers throughout the season as needed, especially if you are seeing that there are some practices not being done correctly or other issues arising. You will need to change this to fit your own farm, but this is a starting point. 1. Why does food safety matter? Start any sort of talk about food safety with the "why". There are pathogens found in the feces of humans and animals that can spread on the farm through clothing, hands, footwear, tools and ...