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Congrats to Bill Hutchinson on is upcoming retirement!

Best wishes to Bill Hutchison, Extension specialist and professor in the Department of Entomology, on his upcoming retirement.

headshot of bill hutchinson.
University of Minnesota has been fortunate to have Bill's leadership and involvement in Extension's integrated pest management (IPM) program for many years. His work in IPM is recognized internationally and benefits growers, agricultural professionals, crop consultants, and fruit and vegetable processors. He has received many awards over the years including being named an Entomological Society of America fellow in 2021. His research and Extension efforts have made a significant impact in Minnesota and beyond. Bill also emphasized that he has really enjoyed working with many fruit and vegetable growers over the past 35 years, and tackling such a diverse array of insect pest and invasive species issues, such as spotted wing drosophila and Japanese beetle. Thanks to the many growers who have allowed Bill and his team to conduct IPM research on their farms.

We wish Bill all the best in his retirement.

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