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2025 Winter pruning workshops: Apples and cold climate grapes

 Are you looking to have more in-person, hands-on experience learning how to prune either cold climate grapes or apples? This year, UMN Extension is offering a selection of winter pruning workshops, instructed by Madeline Wimmer, UMN Extension fruit production educator and UMN Extension local educators. 

A dormant apple tree in winter. The ground is covered in snow and the apple tree is trained to a central leader, pyramid shape.
Semi-dwarf, free-standing apple trees are commonly trained and pruned to maintain a pyramidal shape known as "central leader" training. This allows for good sunlight and airflow that encourage quality fruit production.

Apple pruning workshop registration links, dates, and times:

1. Grand Marais (Cook County); Wednesday, March 5th from 10am-12pm

2. Barnum (Carlton County); Thursday, March 6th from 1-3pm

3. Hinckley (Pine County); Friday, March 7th from 1-3pm

4. Duluth (St. Louis County); Thursday, March 13th from 1-3pm

5. Moorhead (Clay County); Friday, March 21st from 1-3pm 

Master Gardener led workshops:

  1. Two Harbors (Lake County); Saturday, March 15th from 10am-12pm
  2. Rochester (Olmsted County); Saturday, March 15th at 9:00am; Location: Slatterly Park Orchard located between 8 1/2 St. SE, Rochester, MN and the bike path. (No registration needed.) 

Grape pruning workshop registration link, date, and time:

1. Rochester (Olmsted County); March 23rd from 1-3pm 

Cold climate grapevines can be trained in a number of ways, and require yearly pruning to maintain the training shape. This grapevine is trained in a High Cordon style, suitable for a commercial vineyard in Minnesota. 

Unable to participate in-person and still want to learn more? 

Join us for our two-part, free pruning webinar series on apple and cold climate grape pruning. 

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