Annalisa Hultberg, Extension Educator, food safety
If your farm needs to comply with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule, or your farm gets a GAP audit, you may have used the classic worker training video from the Produce Safety Alliance. This worker training video, which was originally available on CD, covers basic food safety principles for farm workers. Thousands of farms have used it to train their employees on basic hygiene and other Good Agricultural Practices at an annual training. It has now been updated, and is aligned with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.
English, Spanish and Hmong versions are available for streaming on YouTube. Use this video to show all farm employees (even kids and other helps who may be handling fresh produce). You can then follow up with more discussion of why food safety is important on your farm, and your policies and rules such as when and where to wash hands, where to use the restroom, and your pets policy.
Here are the direct links. Bookmark them, and use it as a part of your annual training on your farm at the beginning of the season to get everyone on the same page for food safety.
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