Bill Hutchinson, Professor, Department of Entomology Throughout much of southern Minnesota, Japanese Beetle (JB) emergence is underway. It will be several weeks before adult feeding damage becomes a concern for fruit crops, so growers have time to prepare and review pest management strategies. Adult beetles, with an appetite for >300 host plants –including several fruit crops, sweet corn, linden trees and roses, to name a few -- and their unique ability to aggregate and create a “feeding frenzy” quickly gets the attention of growers. However, most crops can tolerate high levels of defoliation. Photo: Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Graduate students in Entomology studied JB feeding behavior in detail the past two years. In wine grapes, Dr. Dominique Ebbenga found that our common ‘Frontenac’ wine grape could easily tolerate 25-30% defoliation without a yield loss or quality loss. Adam Toninato, working in fall raspberries, found that ‘Heri...