Authors: Natalie Hoidal & Marissa Schuh, UMN Extension horticulture educators A cold, cloudy April is bad news for seedlings, and slow growth under these conditions is to be expected. However, there may be more going on if your seedlings are looking yellow and stunted. It can be hard to pinpoint the cause of stunted seedlings, so in this article we'll cover some issues we're seeing this season and how to identify them. Potting soil issues Potting soil can have a major impact on the health of your seedlings. The physical make-up of it (e.g. the ratios of peat to bark to compost to perlite, etc.) impacts water holding capacity, and even minor shifts in composition can mean that growers need to change their watering routines to avoid drying out or over watering. The chemical properties of your potting soil are also critical. Potting soils vary widely in their pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient availability. Potting soil with very high electrical conductivity can negati...