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Choosing Kiwiberry Varieties

Photo: Kiwiberries ready for market. Seth Wannamuehler


Graduate research assistant Seth Wannamuehler receives a lot of questions about kiwiberries. That is because for the last several years, he has been researching kiwiberry production and breeding in Minnesota as part of Dr. Jim Luby's fruit breeding research group. Through this work, he has become one of the most knowledgeable Minnesotans when it comes to this interesting new crop.

Growers and gardeners wonder which kiwiberry varieties are available that will have a chance of bearing fruit in Minnesota's climate. He recently published an article in the Minnesota Fruit Research website comparing kiwiberry varieties based on his research observations so far. Since research is very much still ongoing, I have been asked to state that these are not formal recommendations but are still based on strong anecdotal observations. The article also lists places to source plants. 

Click here to read "Choosing Kiwiberry Varieties" on the Minnesota Fruit Research website.


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