Bill Hutchison, Eric Burkness, Anh Tran, Dominique Ebbenga & Suzanne Wold-Burkness MN Extension IPM Program, Dept. of Entomology, University of Minnesota Fig. 1. Spotted wing drosophila male (left), with characteristic spots on the wings, and female (right), with serrated ovipositor (egg-lay device). Photo: Sheila Fitzpatrick, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Pacific Agri-Food Research Center, Agassiz As noted previously, our earliest SWD trap catch dates this year occurred with single adult flies caught in forest edge locations adjacent to crops; the earliest catch was May 23rd at Hastings. Since July 8th and during the past week, SWD numbers for traps located in berry crops (mostly blueberry, summer raspberry) increased substantially. One exception to this is the Hastings site, where only wine grapes are grown; berries are still very small and green (not attractive to SWD, but the fly is present). The following table summarizes the average weekly trap catch for ea...