Author: Anne Sawyer. All growers of fresh fruits and vegetables care about their customers and want to provide them with safe, healthy food! GAPs are Good Agricultural Practices, which are science-based best practices for reducing risks of microbial contamination in fresh produce. GAPs are the foundation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule , under which some growers of fresh produce are subject to specific actions and recordkeeping related to the growing, harvesting, packing and storing of fresh produce. Whether or not your farm is covered by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule (covered means those who do not qualify for an exemption or exclusion) depends on many factors such as average annual sales and market outlets. Follow this link to learn about whether your farm is covered under the FSMA Produce Safety Rule. Many specialty crop growers in Minnesota are likely exempt or qualified exempt under the FSMA Produce Safety Rule based on sales and markets. T...